Project success.




We analyze and offer expert solutions or help with execution during the design phase in areas of conceptual & detailed design planning, execution & control; scope management; inter-discipline communication/coordination; design reviews or audits including OSHA PHA & HAZOP sessions; the design submittal and approval process; RFI management, and cost & schedule performance reporting. 

Our project design advisory services couples expert knowledge with a systematic approach to analysis and development of improvements to the planning, execution and control processes for the design phase of a capital project.


Regardless of the stage of the design effort, we start with a review of a project’s baseline Design Execution Plan (DEP), or our client’s equivalent, generally developed by the engineering/EPC contractor in accordance with contractual requirements, as part of the overall project execution plan. Our analysis takes into account that DEP contents may vary with the type and scope of a project from a relatively simple plan for a study to more detailed plans addressing multiple phases of the work for complex EPC projects. As a minimum, our review addresses the following components of a DEP:

  • Objective: We determine the level of compliance the DEP has with key objectives of the project’s contract documents, focusing particularly on the accuracy and completeness of its description of engineering objectives, quantification of contractual figures, facility production rates, reliability or performance goals, and milestones.
  • References: The listing of applicable contract documents and applicable owner standards needed for design is evaluated to ensure all requirements are included.
  • Engineering Scope of Work and Definitions: Does the plan adequately reflect work scope definition for the project’s engineering and design functions? Is the design scope change management program clearly defined so that all stakeholders can understand it?
  • Design Basis: We determine if the basis of design provides for all disciplines and includes all necessary data relative to specifics of the project such as applicable codes and regulations, a geotechnical report, site specific conditions including climate data, design margins for the facility, sparing philosophy, and references adequately to all applicable technical specifications.
  • Execution Approach: This section is examined to determine if key elements of the design execution process are adequately addressed. We focus on the design organization, roles and responsibilities of key personnel, execution locations, the design phase budget, cost, schedule and quality management processes, and ensure design deliverables are defined in terms of construction packages and the design change management procedure is well defined.
  • Equipment and Material Procurement: We ensure the methodologies for preparation, approval and issuance of bulk material and equipment requisitions, technical bid evaluations, and client interfaces are adequately defined, and procedures for vendor communications, review and turnaround of vendor drawings and submittals, shop testing and inspection, and hold point requirements support project objectives. The pre-buy strategy for equipment or materials is reviewed for clear definition of the list of materials expected to be pre-bought.
  • Bulk Material Take Off: The plans definition of bulk material take-off methods for the project is reviewed for compliance with project requirements.
  • Design Reviews: We ensure key design reviews relative to the type of project are fully identified, and methodologies are clearly addressed for design analysis processes such as PFD/P&ID and plot plan reviews; safety system reviews; constructability reviews; value engineering studies, model reviews, and HAZOP studies and process hazard analysis. We also confirm that inter-discipline reviews and squad checks for drawings are addressed in the plan, and how design information will flow from one discipline to another.
  • Engineering, Construction and Commissioning Interface: The plan is audited for adequate description and compliance with project objectives regarding engineering’s role during construction, including interfaces with site engineering, home office, construction, suppliers, subcontractors, and any other project stakeholders such as client representatives, operations personnel, inspection entities and insurance agents.
  • Close Out: We ensure the project’s requirements for as-built drawing preparation and design/document/model retention obligations are identified and the process for implementation is adequately addressed.

Deliverables of our DEP review include a comprehensive audit report on findings and identification of any gaps or duplications important enough to negatively impact the project. If any, we include recommendations for modification, correction or improvement. Our end result is a fully vetted design execution plan for use as a basis to analyze the health of the design implementation, monitoring and control processes.


With a full understanding of the DEP, our advisors are ready to perform an independent cold-eye review of the design status. Each of the foregoing components of the plan are reviewed to determine a best estimate of current compared to reported design status.  Technical documents, drawings, design change notices, and other design related work products and deliverables are identified for review and judgement on adherence to plan. Our approach includes utilization of the project’s design schedule, cost and quality control tools, or if necessary, application of alternate measurement systems. We focus on validity of the designer’s performance against each component of the DEP, examining any deviations to arrive at causation. Areas of concern are identified, categorized and rated for corrective action.  Attention is given to areas where most projects fall behind, such as poor schedule performance and the impact on material deliveries and construction where causation is usually related to inadequate scope definition or scope change. When such deviations are pin-pointed our services include practical advice on the best steps toward recovery.

Deliverables of our design audit include a comprehensive independent and objective report listing topics reviewed, methodologies applied, tools used, and findings. Its purpose is to provide information leading to a positive impact on the health of the project. When recommendations for corrective action are necessary, our report includes candid information on root cause and offers expert advice on a best approach for recovery. 





Robert G. James, PE, CFLC
Jan K. Varma, P.Eng.
Ken Bush, PE, PMP
Troy E. Reynolds, PE
Ronald L. Smith




Lumen PMC directors and consultants have extensive experience in directly managing EPC projects and advising owners, contractors, investors and lenders.


  • Petrochemical
  • Refining
  • Gas Processing
  • Power Generation
  • Infrastructure
  • Project Risk Management
  • Commercial Building